Successful Real Estate Investment
Begins with Knowledge and Education

As a real estate investor it is important to arm yourself with knowledge and education. We are continuously writing informative articles and reports and conducing presentations on relevant real estate investment  related topics that we think will help you to be a more informed and successful investor.


Below you will find links to helpful resources to help you meet your investment goals. Feel free to contact us for a free, no obligation investment consultation. We're here to help.

Articles & Reports

"How to Invest in the Best Real Estate Markets and Live Where You Want"


Successful real estate investment begins with choosing a good market. This report identifies the top demographic and economic factors to consider when evaluating a real estate market and how to define your criteria.

"How to Choose an Investment Market and Minimize Your Risk"


Successful real estate investment begins with choosing a good market. This report identifies the top demographic and economic factors to consider when evaluating a real estate market and how to define your criteria.

"Analyzing Cash-flow Properties---What the Numbers Mean"


Understanding some basic financial ratios and metrics is key to making good investment decisions. This paper defines the most common terms used for analyzing the cash flow and ROI of an investment property. You don't need to be a financial expert, but ever investor should have a grasp of basic financial principles.

"Cash-flow vs. ROI---Which is More Important?"


When comparing investment options, investors often focus on CAP rates and cash on cash returns but often times don't pay as close attention to the bottom line cash flow. Quite often the investment with the highest ROI has the lowest cash-flow. This paper explores that and looks at which is more important.


"Invest Where Best---How & When to Invest Out of State"


This webinar explains how to invest in the markets that that will provide the highest ROI regardless of where you live.It covers the important things to consider when investing out of state and how to do it safely.

"Indianapolis---A City Transformed"


This presentation covers the economic and demographic factors that make Indianapolis one of the most popular markets for real estate investment in the U.S. and shows how Indianapolis stacks up against other popular investment markets.

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